Might Thomas Bata's Methods be Used to Improve Public Administration?

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Might Thomas Bata's Methods be Used to Improve Public Administration?

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dc.contributor.author Barvíř, Miroslav
dc.date.accessioned 2013-12-10T12:35:03Z
dc.date.available 2013-12-10T12:35:03Z
dc.date.issued 2007
dc.identifier.isbn 978-80-903948-0-3
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10563/26121
dc.description.abstract The author writes that Tomas Bata's managerial methods were adopted by the administration of the town. Furthermore, he draws attention to deficiencies within governing bodies at that time and gives his assessment of their current state in terms of cybernetics. He also mentions contemporary society's lack of mathematical support lent by dynamic behaviour causation, as well as the logical reasoning of monitored behaviour. Moreover, he puts forward the notion of greater capital supervision . To ensure effective functioning state administration, it is essential that highly knowledgeable and specialised staff are in place with a sufficient comprehension of synergetic cooperation. This should bring about an improvement in living standards in accordance with Tomas Bata's example. en
dc.format text
dc.format.extent 343-348
dc.language.iso cs
dc.publisher Nadace Tomáše Bati
dc.publisher Viribus Unitis
dc.relation.ispartof Tomáš Baťa - doba a společnost : sborník příspěvků ze stejnojmenné zlínské konference, pořádané ve dnech 30. listopadu - 1. prosince 2006
dc.title Might Thomas Bata's Methods be Used to Improve Public Administration? en
dc.title Je možno využít k zdokonalení veřejné správy přístupy Tomáše Bati? cs
dc.type conferenceObject cs
bata.event.title Tomáš Baťa - doba a společnost
bata.publisher-location Brno
bata.citation.spage 343
bata.citation.epage 348
bata.date.actual 2007
bata.category řízení cs
bata.order 323

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