Psychological Disorders and the Mental Health of Business Managers

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Psychological Disorders and the Mental Health of Business Managers

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Název: Psychological Disorders and the Mental Health of Business Managers
Autor: Pitrová, Dagmar
Vedoucí: Vondřejcová, Jana
Abstrakt: The main objective is to identify how psychological disorders and mental health are related to managers. The symptoms, causes and the sources of these problems. If this is a new trend or ongoing. Treatments and support systems needed after returning to work. Practical example used to described specific situations that can occur to to business managers inside the workplace. Plus an interview with a psychologist about the topics listed above.
Datum: 2012-11-30
Dostupnost: Bez omezení
Ústav: Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistiky
Studijní obor: Anglický jazyk pro manažerskou praxi
Klasifikace závěřečné práce a její obhajoby: C 31134

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