Project to Enhance Online Social Media Usage Towards the Political System in Colombia

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Project to Enhance Online Social Media Usage Towards the Political System in Colombia

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Název: Project to Enhance Online Social Media Usage Towards the Political System in Colombia
Autor: Plata Lerma, Diego Fernando
Vedoucí: Kwarteng, Michael Adu
Abstrakt: This research reviews the literature on social media and e-government in the current Colombian political system and, with the aim of analysing the use of social media by the citizenry and the public policies employed by the government of Colombia, the strategy "Urna de Cristal" was considered to the extent that it is the main project focused on the use of social media tools by public entities. The objective was to enhance the existing government strategy though the design of a project focus in the main citizen's satisfaction and influence of citizens in decision-making process.
Datum: 2020-01-06
Dostupnost: Bez omezení
Ústav: Ústav managementu a marketingu
Studijní obor: Management and Marketing
Klasifikace závěřečné práce a její obhajoby: B 55385

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